
审稿人对文章的第一印象,从看完标题和摘要就决定了?想吸引审稿人你需要 ……

时间:2019.09.12 浏览:997次 作者:ISE 来源:





一个结构良好的标题(通常为10-20个单词)能让审稿人立即理解论文的内容,而无需阅读全文。 你的目标应该是尽可能让标题简洁而富含信息量。



结构良好的摘要(通常为200-300个单词)通常遵循IMRD / C模式

(Introdcution, Method, Result, Discussion/Conclusion)结构,读起来类似于一篇缩小版的论文。








•用词要兼顾效果的方向和大小(例如 e.g., lower, fewer, reduced; greater, more, increased )和运用数字。


差的题目:“Daily pain scores differed significantly between gabapentin-treated patients and placebo-treated patients”

好的题目:“Daily pain scores were significantly lower in gabapentin-treated patients compared to placebo-treated patients (2.8 vs. 5.1, p<0.001)”







The seroprevalence of untreated chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and associated risk factors in male Irish prisoners: a cross-sectional study, 2017 [2]


Introduction: Data on chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection prevalence in European prisons are incomplete and impact the public health opportunity that incarceration provides. We aimed to estimate the seroprevalence of untreated chronic HCV infection and to identify associated risk factors in an Irish male prison.

Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study involving a researcher-administered questionnaire, review of medical records and HCV serology.

Results: Of 422 prisoners (78.0% of the study population) who participated in the study, 298 (70.6%) completed the questionnaire and 403 (95.5%) were tested for HCV antibodies. Of those tested, 92 (22.8%) were HCV antibody-positive, and of those, 53 (57.6%) were HCV RNA-positive, 23 (25.0%) had spontaneous clearance, 16 (17.4%) had a sustained viral response, 10 (11.0%) were co-infected with HIV and six (6.0%) with hepatitis B virus. The untreated chronic HCV seroprevalence estimate was 13.1% and the seroprevalence of HCV among prisoners with a history of injecting drug use (IDU) was 79.7%. Risk factors significantly associated with past HCV infection were IDU (p < 0.0001), having received a prison tattoo (p < 0.0001) or a non-sterile community tattoo (p < 0.0001), sharing needles and other drug-taking paraphernalia (p < 0.0001). Small numbers of prisoners had a history of sharing razors (n=10; 3.4%) and toothbrushes (n=3; 1.0%) while incarcerated. On multivariable analysis, history of receiving a non-sterile community tattoo was the only significant risk factor associated with HCV acquisition (after IDU was removed from the model) (p = 0.005, β = 0.468).

Conclusion: The level of untreated chronic HCV infection in Irish prisons is high, with IDU the main associated risk.



Injecting drug use is a risk factor for hepatitis C virus in Irish prisons [2, modified]

该标题仅仅关注了研究的一个方面 - 在研究中确定的HCV的关键风险因素,即注射吸毒史。然而,其实这个研究也确认了其他风险因素,该研究还量化了各种形式疾病的血清阳性率。因此,这个标题并不能表明实际上文章数据是要更丰富的多。


Introduction: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a major public health concern and a leading cause of liver-related morbidity and mortality globally. Despite national guidelines on HCV screening for all prisoners and a community equivalence of care in relation to HCV treatment access, most Irish prisoners are not screened or treated for HCV infection.


Methods: Serological screening for hepatitis B virus (HBV), HCV and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was carried out in 422 prisoners in Mountjoy Prison in Dublin, Ireland. A sustained viral response (SVR) was defined as HCV RNA-negative status at 24 weeks after completion of interferon-based treatment and 12 weeks for direct-acting antiviral (DAA) treatment. Chronic HCV infection was defined as ongoing active infection (HCV RNA-positive) 6 months or more after initial exposure (self-reported data from prisoners’ electronic medical records).


Results: Of the 403 prisoners tested for HCV antibodies, 92 were HCV antibody-positive, and of those, 53 were HCV RNA-positive, 23 had spontaneous clearance, 16 had an SVR, 10 were co-infected with HIV and six with HBV. The untreated chronic HCV seroprevalence estimate was 13.1% and the seroprevalence of HCV among prisoners with a history of injecting drug use (IDU) was 79.7%. Risk factors significantly associated with past HCV infection were IDU, having received a prison tattoo or a non-sterile community tattoo, sharing needles and other drug-taking paraphernalia.


Conclusion: Targeting prisoners with a history of IDU for active HCV is a priority given the high HCV prevalence rates in this group.









1. Ketcham CM, Hardy RW, Rubin B, Siegal GP. What editors want in an abstract. ‎Lab Investig. 2010 90(1):4–5. http://doi.org/10.1038/labinvest.2009.122

2. Crowley D, Lambert JS, Betts-Symonds G, Cullen W, Keevans M, Kelly E, Laird E, McHugh T, McKiernan S, Miggin SJ, Murphy C. The seroprevalence of untreated chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and associated risk factors in male Irish prisoners: a cross-sectional study, 2017. Euro Surveill. 2019 Apr 4;24(14).

3. Callaham ML, Tercier J. The relationship of previous training and experience of journal peer reviewers to subsequent review quality. PLoS Med. 2007 Jan 30;4(1):e40.





